Toastmasters International is a worldwide association whose aim is to make effective communication a reality across the globe.Created in 1924 by Mr Smedley, Toastmasters today is represented in 141 countries, 16,400 clubs and 352,000 members.Toastmasters offers everyone the opportunity to master the art of listening to think and talk about life skills that facilitate personal achievement, increase the potential leader in all of us, stimulate understanding between humans and contribute to the improvement of our society.Toastmasters’ mission is to provide a learning environment in which members are mutually supportive and positive to allow each to improve his communication skills and leadership, which will generate self-confidence and self-development.

Be confident speaking before an audience. Give clear and memorable presentations. Master communication that will boost your career. Toastmasters proven and continually improving education program and constructive feedback can make you the speaker that you want to be.Toastmasters makes leaders. Within the organisation you can develop practical leadership skills, working with teams of motivated individuals. Receive supportive feedback and develop the leadership skills that employers wantToastmasters provides a safe environment to learn by doing with supportive feedback. By practicing your new skills as you learn them, you will retain the new skills for life.